Public consultation on the future Cohesion Policy

cohesion survey rsz

In the coming months, the European Commission will make proposals for the next generation of EU Funds and Programmes to be financed by the EU budget from 2021. These proposals will set priorities for investments in the context of growing challenges for the EU, and increasing competition for resources between the various policy areas where action needs to be taken.

The Commission has launched recently several on-line public consultations to collect views of all the interested parties and citizens on how to make the most of the EU budget. The consultation will inform the preparation of the Commission’s proposals.

As key stakeholders involved in the management of cohesion policy, we wish all the managing authorities to take part in the public consultation on cohesion policy in order to share your views on how to shape the future of this policy.

The online questionnaire, accessible in all EU languages, is open until 8 March:


Through the County Development Agency over the past three and a half years a number of projects have been realized or initiated for which more than 7 million Euros have been provided by the EU

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