The European Committee of Regions is the first EU body that developed and delivered two free massive open online courses (MOOC), which reached more than 15,000 participants worldwide.
Building on this successful experience, the CoR is launching a third MOOC focusing on "How to make the most of EU resources for regions and cities".
The MOOC will provide relevant information on present and future EU policies and programmes, as well as practical tools and examples of available funding opportunities at regional and local level.
The course will be available on Iversity, an online learning platform, and will include videos, factsheets, infographics and web-streamed live debates with Q&A from the course participants. Moreover, course followers will be able to interact via their learning journals in the course platform. During the first six weeks of the course (15 January-23 February 2018), followers will focus on one specific theme per week and will evaluate their learning progress via assignments and a weekly quiz.
Registration of MOOC – here.