Festivity of St. Blaise in Brussels

festa sv. vlaha u bruxellesu 2

The Representation office of Dubrovnik–Neretva Region with the support of the Matrix Croatica – Brussels branch, the Croatian Tourist Board, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Kingdom of Belgium is organising the Festivity of Saint Blaise in Brussels.

The fifth edition of the Saint Blaise Festivity in Brussels will start on Sunday, January 28, with the opening ceremony in front of the Cathedral of St. Mihaela and Gudule, after which a traditional "Kandelora Dinner" will take place in restaurant “Vinograd”.

On the following day, January 29, at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Kingdom of Belgium, a lecture will be given by the director of the Dubrovnik Museums Pavica Vilać on the topic Saint Blaise heritage and Dubrovnik, followed by the opening of the" Dubrovnik Wine Week" at the Wine Bar Bois Tranquille.

The Festivity of St. Blaise has been a special day for the City of Dubrovnik ever since the year 972, when people began to celebrate it. Special recognition was given to the Festivity in 2009, when the Festivity was included in UNESCO Intangible World Heritage List.


Through the County Development Agency over the past three and a half years a number of projects have been realized or initiated for which more than 7 million Euros have been provided by the EU

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