EU Design Days 2017

design days 2015 eu

This years EU Design Days was a two-day event, 6th in row organised by ERRIN (European Regions Research and Inovation Network) in close collaboration with partners; BEDA, MAD, DDF, Watify, Designscapes, Architempo and Eindhoven. EU Design Days is a unique platform which brings together practitioners, designers, researchers and policymakers of this transformation from smart region and city to smart society and explores what the next steps could be - in both the perspective of the smart and the social. Sixteen regions participated which have united under the slogan „Take the next step for transforming your regions“, mission oriented inovation with help of design which is response to users needs.

On the first day of conference participants were presented presentation of eight different region representatives as well as entrepreneurs under the guidance of Pecha Kucha's patent, 20 x 20, twenty pictures in twenty seconds. Where exhibitors presented their projects which they have already started in their regions/cities.
The second day went on in the tone of its own slogan "Game changer", where exhibitors have presented their solutions to problems in their regions / cities, such as; medical assistance, climate adaptation, more active social community in terms of joint design of citizens and architects of public space...while, one of the participants gave his answers on the worlds problem (exp. prevention of overweight and obesity), Tim Vermeulen, owner of several game design companies, presented portfolio of sirious games he made for children at the age of five to twelve, where each of which has a educative role, he even presented one game that uses VR technology that helps communication for children that have Polio. During the event, speakers urged everyone to networking, exchange of contacts and collaboration, to help each other solve the problems that exist in their regions and cities.


Through the County Development Agency over the past three and a half years a number of projects have been realized or initiated for which more than 7 million Euros have been provided by the EU

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